>The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times are both agog today with confirmations that the YouTube.com webcam musings of Lonelygirl15 are actually the […read more…]
>I am a poverty and obscurity addict.
>For those of us still deluded enough to believe occasionally entertain the fleeting notion that independent filmmaking is might be the surefire route to fame […read more…]
>Hey, how do we get that job?
>By way of the Smoking Gun, word of yet another crackdown in the U.S. government’s war on terror obscenity. According to the report, federal officials […read more…]
>Alumni News: Steven Shainberg, Erin Cressida Wilson and Andrew Fierberg
>Steven Shainberg, director of Secretary, which took home the inaugural CineKink Tribute at CineKink ’03, has reteamed with screenwriter Erin Cressida Wilson and producer Andrew […read more…]
>Oh, joy.
>And another TiVo alert for tonight, this time for a Primetime: The Outsiders repackaging of several previously aired reports. Entitled – cough – “Strange Arrangements,” […read more…]
>Alumni News: Elizabeth Elson
>We’re delighted to hear that the recent work of Elizabeth Elson, director of Born in a Barn, winner of the Audience Choice Award for Best […read more…]
>Um. Wow.
>On our way out of the multiplex the other day, we noticed the rather demure posters for This Film is Not Yet Rated and a […read more…]
>What’s afoot with Mr. Polanski?
>Join us in welcoming back The Reeler from whatever respite he may have enjoyed in his time away and, while he gets reacclimated, there’s still […read more…]
>But will it play in Sydney?
>From director Tony Comstock comes news that his latest documentary, Damon & Hunter, which mixes a couple’s engaging and intimate interview with scenes of them […read more…]
>Catching up on old news… October dates
>Scheduled for October 17-22, 2006, the fourth annual CineKink NYC will feature a carefully-curated program of films and videos that explore and celebrate a wide […read more…]