>For those fortunates living in the NYC-metro area, another chance to take in Viva, as it opens for a run at Cinema Village on Friday. […read more…]
>Too hot for Dallas!
> The perennial crowd-pleaser and CineKink award winner, Filthy Food, has run into another flap of controversy, this time at the AFI Dallas International Film […read more…]
>Mom would be so proud … 2008
>Last year when we reported on these awards, it was our mother’s birthday. And this year, appropriately enough, we’re actually home visiting her – in […read more…]
>Tanged and sugasmed!
>Welcome Daily Tangers! More info on what you’re likely looking for – Viva! – can be found here, but do feel free to linger and, […read more…]
>And the award goes to…
>As promised – though slightly delayed by the lingering and distracting effects of our Afterglow – a variety of CineKink NYC awards were announced at […read more…]
>We’re slowly emerging from our immediate post-CineKink NYC coma, which seemed to descend upon us sometime shortly following the wrap of another fabulous – seriously! […read more…]
>Mingling with and/or f*cking like porn stars
>(Because the “*” in f*ck totally makes it work-safe, right?) Well, anyway… busily pulling together next month’s presentation of CineKinky wonderfulness, we realized this weekend […read more…]