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Jan 162010

>With Conan getting the shaft from NBC, he’s recently been considering a turn from television to hard-core porn–“a classier business with better people.”

Here he announces some of the titles we can expect from his new venture:

Alright, you’re hearing it here… we’re calling dibs on NBC Lawyer Gang Bang: The Backend Deal for CineKink 2011!

>Amuse bouche?

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Feb 062009

>As we continue to tinker behind the scenes on CineKink NYC, coming up February 24th to March 1st, let us whet your appetite with this tasty morsel, a glimpse at The Auteur, a mélange of romantic comedy and raunchy satire that tells the story of renowned porn director Arturo Domingo, creative genius behind such classics as Five Easy Nieces and Requiem for a Wet Dream:

We’ve been admiring The Auteur from afar for quite awhile now and we’re delighted to give this sweetly smutty film a stellar CineKink showcase slot–Saturday, February 28 @ 9 PM.

Hope you’ll join us!

>The smart choice for your future?

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Sep 032008

>Last night as we settled in to watch the Republic National Convention–nothing wrong with a little bi-partisan masochism!–we thought back to a favorite, short video that was once making the rounds.

For a presidential ticket dedicated to rolling back Roe v. Wade and a party that’s built abstinence-only education into its national platform, we can think of no better tribute than this semi-vintage gem, Future:

From the folks at the now-defunt TechnicalVirgin.com, who also brought us the similarly-themed Boys Can Wait, the video had a recent round of notoriety when the the actress was sacked from her hosting gig on a PBS children’s show because of her involvement in it.

Family values all around!