Oct 282008

>No on Prop 8, that is! And with just one week left before the votes are tallied, here’s a way to get into the fray while making sure that both activist and libidinous urges are fully sated.

For one day only–Tuesday, October 28–Comstock Films will be passing along all proceeds from the sale of their wonderfully erotic documentaries to benefit the “No on Proposition 8” campaign and support same-sex marriage.

That’s 100 percent of the price of any DVD from their ground-breaking series that profiles the passions of real-life lovers–including past CineKink festival favorite, Damon and Hunter: Doing it Together–donated for every purchase made until midnight on Tuesday.

As they say…buy early and buy often!

>So gay!

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May 152008

>Or, to be more politic, so same-sex!

We’re slightly chagrined to admit, but our first thought upon learning that the California State Supreme Court had struck down laws limiting same-sex marriage was of the wedding invitations that would soon be winging their way to our mailbox. We do love a good party!

And ever since we endured the sweet tortures of planning our own wedding a few years back, one of our secret indulgences continues to be wedding porn, with a sordid, lingering taste for the occasional Whose Wedding is it Anyway? marathon.

So, while we’re of course enraptured by the right-minded arguments of equality and fairness that surrounds this crucial advance, and there are many videos that might bring us to the edge of sincere choked-upped-ness, given that afterall, this is all really about the basic and simple ability to be publicly and legally joined with the a person you love, we’d also like to say, with this clip from the gay wedding episode of Party, Party – welcome to the freak show!