> Oddly enough, we’ve forgotten all about tawdry, anonymous sex in a men’s room stall, but can’t stop thinking about Mr. Clinton. Just how nasty […read more…]
>Still running mind loops on just a few of the many pleasurable moments of our recent little tryst, we have to ponder one question: sex […read more…]
>Catching up with the furries.
>We’re not sure what it is, but lately we’ve been feeling several steps behind in catching up with just about everything. Hopefully we’re getting a […read more…]
>This just in…
>Evan Shapiro of IFC, home to such bold programming as Indie Sex and This Film is Not Yet Rated, is – how shall we put […read more…]
>Four nights of great sex?!
>If that’s the case, looks like we actually have a bit of catching up to do. Somehow in our July torpor we missed the announcement […read more…]
>Men in suits alert!
> How lucky are we to have a secret fetish that’s actually not not safe for work? (Though, come to think of it, such fetish […read more…]
>Breaking out our San Francisco values
>Now that the Dems have sorta climbed kinda back on top in the national power exchange – and in advance of our pending trip to […read more…]