In A Good Way

New York Premiere!

Margot and David were in a loving marriage that fell apart right beneath their feet. After several years apart, they decide to get together for a lovely autumn weekend, curious whether the new versions of themselves can make it work in a way their old selves could not. CineKink alumni filmmakers and frequent past collaborators, Ryan Balas and Audrey Kovar are cast together as lovers living between the lines with a raw performance that simply explores a history of love.
Directed by Zachary Gutierrez and Joshua LaBure, 2022, USA, 85 minutes. Stars Ryan Balas and Audrey Kovar.
Writer: Joshua LaBure
Producer: Ryan Balas

preceded by

Photo of the Day
A photo from their past ignites a conversation about the possibility of an open marriage between a husband and wife.
Directed by Mac Eldridge and Tom Dean, 2023, USA, 12 minutes. Stars Beck Bennett and Jessy Hodges. New York premiere.
Writer: Tom Dean
Producers: Tanner Field, Nat Dykeman

date & time:
Saturday, August 5 – 4:30 PM
The Wild Project
195 E. 3rd Street (bet. B & A), NYC
$20; $15/seniors & students, $12/CineKink members
18 and over only.

In-person tickets or
a festival package via Elevent.
Virtual pass: coming soon!
