Kinky Kick-Off Preview Shindig

Put on your shiny finery and help us kick off the 21st anniversary CineKink NYC in proper style.

Take a sneak peek at the festival line-up, enjoy a few cinematic morsels and rub elbows with like-minded CineKink friends, supporters, filmmakers and volunteers. Plus, a kinky raffle!

photo by Stacie Joy

With all proceeds going to support the continuation of CineKink’s sex-positive and kink-friendly program mission, it’s mixing and mingling for a good cause!

Featured works…

Have You Done It Yet?

A 1980’s experimental sex education film.
Directed by Megan Brisco, 2024, USA, 3 minutes.

Blue Balls

Jeremy is jerked awake right before the end of a sex dream. Now, he’s stuck in a sexual haze as he wanders through his day. Can he make it home before everyone finds out how horny he really is?
Directed by Homogoods, 2024, USA, 3 minutes.

Whore Writers

Tall Milk collaborated with three sex worker writers to create a cut-up collage of their audiobooks alongside striking visuals of the authors themselves. Features Andrea Werhun, author of Modern Whore: A Memoir, Rachel Rabbit White, author of Porn Carnival, and Stoya, author of Philosophy, Pussycats, & Porn.
Directed by Tall Milk, 2024, USA, 5 minutes.

Images From a Different Path

An exhibit by scene photographer Efrain Gonzalez, Images From a Different Path: The Radical Cultures of NYC, will be on display throughout the party.

date & time:
Tuesday, July 30 – 8:00 PM – doors open
Madame X
94 W. Houston St. (bet. Thompson St. & LaGuadia Place), NYC
Suggested donation $20, in advance, but please chip in at the level you can afford to get on the guest list. We’d love for you to join us!
Cash bar, 21 and over only.

Please note, the bar is currently under construction and is only accessible via stairs. The back garden is open,  for those of us still taking precautions, but also requires stairs.
