Leather shorts!

Puppies and Leather and boys!


photo: boys

Documentary visits to some communities within the Leather scene, mixed in with tastes of a few yummy things. Oh, my!

Silly River Pups
Just a group of pups having fun on the beach and maybe a little mischief.
Directed by Mitch Harrison, 2024, USA, 2 minutes.

Dog Bylan Come Home
Driving her car in the woods, Stella Michelin meets a stray human dog.
Directed by Stella Michelin and Werther Germondari, 2024, Italy, 10 minutes. Stars Stella Michelin and Dog Bylan.
Writer: Stella Michelin
Producer: Werther Germondari

Construction Work
A construction workers’ meeting on a Sunday afternoon.
Directed by Jan Soldat, 2024, Germany, 6 minutes.

Belonging and The Scene
This documentary seeks to break boundaries and demystify stereotypes, highlighting some lesser-known facts about the fetish community through an intimate story told by Dutch Pup Momo.
Directed by Monica Dhaka, 2023, United Kingdom, 15 minutes. Features Dutch Pop Momo and Jack Thrasher.
Writer: Monica Dhaka
Producers: Monica Dhaka and Xinyuan Zhang

Leather boys give personal accounts on how this form of identity has led to a spiritual awakening and radical self-acceptance.
Directed by Donald Shorter, 2024, USA, 27 minutes.
Producer: Donald Shorter

Sugar Daddy
A guy can only resist temptation for so long, before indulging his sweet tooth with the help of several daddies
Directed by Mitch Harrison, 2024, USA, 5 minutes.
Writer/Producers: Mitch Harrison,  Andy Robbins

Heavy Load
Two sweaty travelers get rough and get going in the back of a truck, pounding their way through psychedelic plains on an erotic escape from reality.
Directed by Juan Saez, 2024, Germany, 10 minutes. Stars Troy Daniels and Puscle Mussy.
Writer: Juan Saez

date & time:
Saturday, August 3 – 3:00 PM (revised time!)
+ virtual encores
The Wild Project
195 E. 3rd Street (bet. B & A), NYC
$20; $15/seniors & students, $12/CineKink members
18 and over only.

In-person tickets or
a festival package via Elevent.
Virtual pass: coming soon!
