Feminist porn!

Revelations + panel discussion

From her vantage in the early 1990s, feminist porn filmmaker Candida Royalle explores what life might be like in a world without love, passion and romance.

In the near future, marshal law imposes a puritanical New Order, one where sex is forbidden unless it’s for procreation, and newly-married Ariel is under the gun to produce “a little soldier” for the regime. When a quiet, older neighbor is arrested, Ariel explores his flat, finding a hidden room that contains a contraband VCR and tapes of loving couples who seek and give pleasure. Revisiting the room again and again, what is Ariel to do with this new sexual awakening?
Directed by Candida Royalle, 1993, USA, 84 minutes. Stars Amy J. Rapp, Ava Grace, Candida Royalle, Colin Matthews, Martin London, Michele Capozzi, Nicole Martin and Paris Phillips.

Panel Discussion: Revelations Redux?

A post-screening discussion will touch upon where we’ve been and where we are in the political moment, and ponder society’s stance on sex and depictions of sexuality.

Screening courtesy of the Candida Royalle Studio at PinkLabel.tv.

Visit CandidaRoyalle.org for more information about Candida, her work and her legacy.

date & time:
Saturday, August 3rd – 4:45 PM
The Wild Project
195 E. 3rd Street (bet. B & A), NYC
$20; $15/seniors & students, $12/CineKink members
18 and over only.

In-person tickets or
a festival package via Elevent.
Virtual pass: in-person only
