join us!


support the kinky film festival!

Would you like to get in on the action and earn some nice publicity for your kinky endeavors? Want more publicity for your blog? Own a business that could use more kinky customers? Love supporting sex-positive expression?

A donation of just $75 gets your name and URL listed in the CineKinksters area of the website for the next year. A level of recognition designed for individuals and small businesses, it’s a great way to help out and get your name seen by a kink-friendly, sex-positive crowd.

Or, you can still give us an extra boost, even if you don’t want the kudos…by becoming a Friend w/Benefits!

Join us today!

cinekinksters ($75+, individuals, bloggers, small businesses)

friends w/benefits ($40+, individuals)

  • Substantial discounts to CineKink events.
  • "First-dibs" notice and exclusive invitations.

want even more recognition?
Check out our full roster of CineKink Sponsorship opportunities!

contact us!
For more information: sponsor2024[at]cinekink[dot]com